Share Market Workshop 20′

Spark Phase 03 is the one of the largest entrepreneurship programs at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. This program was a great opportunity to all people for implementing their business ideas and providing necessary advice in this regard. Although we were unable to hold the program physically at the university due to the covid-19 pandemic,…
Neosmart is a platform to provide continuous mutual assistance to those interested in starting their own business. It was privileged to all members who started their own business to sell their product and services and meet current customers and attendees face-to-face. It enhances their presentation skills to grab the opportunities and the competitive advantages. Neosmart provide massive advantages to…
“Throw it my way” pens recycling project is a long-term project strives for maximum waste recovery through recycling, and reuse pens and aims at zero waste to be disposed onto dump-yards and landfills. The long-term objective is thus to reduce the environmental degradation caused by solid waste. Ultimate objectives of this project are; To reduce…
Vikings have a habit of celebrating anything that comes up in a way of “DAY”. birthdays from November to February were celebrated on 1st of February of 2019. Organizing committee have done a pretty good job organizing the event during the lunch hour of a lecture day. Birthday people were surprised as they entered to…
Almost all of you focusing to find a well-paid job in a well-recognized organization especially in multi-national organizations after your graduation. Since, these organizations also focus on attracting graduates from state universities due to the fact that the graduates from state universities are equipped with not only skills and knowledge but also strength, confidence and…
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