Premier Pro online series

Christmas is a happy occasion and for Christmas on 29th of December 2019 Vikings got the chance to spend a day with the brave patience and staff at the Apeksha hospital, Maharagama spreading the true meaning of Christmas. They are full of life. They immensely enjoyed the musical and dancing performances done by the members…
The first Anniversary Celebrations of Vikings Club As the first Social entrepreneurship club in Sri Lanka we proudly celebrated our first anniversary on the 23rd of November 2018 with the collaboration of Vikings and lecturers. At the official anniversary celebrations, lecturers of the university, Mrs. Sandamali Wijerathna, Miss.Thilini Kaushalya and Mrs.Shehani Wickramasinghe delivered speeches appreciating…
දිරිය is the RoundTable exclusively organised for the very first time in Vikings history for all the young entrepreneurs of Vikings . This could be identified as the platform where a viking could accomplish his/ her entrepreneurial goals. The main objective of this program was to introduce a platform for our own venture owners who…
The Vikings club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura along with the Vikings club of University of Colombo carried out the campaign ” Say No to tobacco” in accordance to acclaim the anti tobacco day which was held on 31st May 2020.Few experts from different fields together with the public joined their hands with us to…
“Throw it my way” pens recycling project is a long-term project strives for maximum waste recovery through recycling, and reuse pens and aims at zero waste to be disposed onto dump-yards and landfills. The long-term objective is thus to reduce the environmental degradation caused by solid waste. Ultimate objectives of this project are; To reduce…
The Annual General Meeting for the year 2019 was held on 16th January 2020 from 5.00pm to 6.30pm at C1 auditorium hall, Faculty of Applied Sciences. Main objectives of the AGM were to notify the members about the projects carried out by the current executive board for 19/20 and the appointment of the Junior Director…