Photoshop Workshop

“An Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest”. This workshop was specially organised by the Vikings Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura as to improve the career of the members and to provide them a clear platform as Social Entrepreneurs. With the advancement of the technology, from website work to marketing projects and also in…

Kruthaguna 4

With the intention of paying gratitude towards the sanitary staff whom provide their fullest effort as to maintain the beauty of the University, we as Vikings Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura thought of walking an extra mile to conduct the phase 4 of Kruthaguna series by providing over 100  packets of lunch for them…

Happy Birthday!

Vikings have a habit of celebrating anything that comes up in a way of “DAY”. birthdays from November to February were celebrated on 1st of February of 2019. Organizing committee have done a pretty good job organizing the event during the lunch hour of a lecture day. Birthday people were surprised as they entered to…

Voyage 18′

Vikings are very determined as well as fun oriented. Annual trip was organized by the executive committee to search the fun inside the Vikings. It was to Sigiriya on 17th of December 2018. Actually, first, it was designed to go to Pidurangala. on the way to Pidurangala we had fun with singing and dancing. some…

Our 1st Anniversary

The first Anniversary Celebrations of Vikings Club As the first Social entrepreneurship club in Sri Lanka we proudly celebrated our first anniversary on the 23rd of November 2018 with the collaboration of Vikings and lecturers. At the official anniversary celebrations, lecturers of the university, Mrs. Sandamali Wijerathna, Miss.Thilini Kaushalya and Mrs.Shehani Wickramasinghe delivered speeches appreciating…

Why you need to join the Vikings club

Almost all of you focusing to find a well-paid job in a well-recognized organization especially in multi-national organizations after your graduation. Since, these organizations also focus on attracting graduates from state universities due to the fact that the graduates from state universities are equipped with not only skills and knowledge but also strength, confidence and…