Photoshop workshop online series

We, the members of Vikings club organized our annual trip of 2020 to Wangedigala. Wangedigala is a popular hiking spot situated in a village named Kalupahana. On January 25th,2020 at 4.00am we started our journey to Wangedigala with a total of 50 members. The hike to Wangedigala took us through pine forests, grasslands and waterfalls…
The annual get together of the Vikings Club Of University Of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 21st of July 2019 from 5.30 P.M onwards at the rock house hotel, Piliyandala.
With the intention of paying gratitude towards the sanitary staff whom provide their fullest effort as to maintain the beauty of the University, we as Vikings Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura thought of walking an extra mile to conduct the phase 4 of Kruthaguna series by providing over 100 packets of lunch for them…
The Annual General Meeting for the year 2019 was held on 16th January 2020 from 5.00pm to 6.30pm at C1 auditorium hall, Faculty of Applied Sciences. Main objectives of the AGM were to notify the members about the projects carried out by the current executive board for 19/20 and the appointment of the Junior Director…
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දිරිය is the RoundTable exclusively organised for the very first time in Vikings history for all the young entrepreneurs of Vikings . This could be identified as the platform where a viking could accomplish his/ her entrepreneurial goals. The main objective of this program was to introduce a platform for our own venture owners who…