Premier Pro online series

“An Investment in Knowledge pays the best interest”. This workshop was specially organised by the Vikings Club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura as to improve the career of the members and to provide them a clear platform as Social Entrepreneurs. With the advancement of the technology, from website work to marketing projects and also in…
“Throw it my way” pens recycling project is a long-term project strives for maximum waste recovery through recycling, and reuse pens and aims at zero waste to be disposed onto dump-yards and landfills. The long-term objective is thus to reduce the environmental degradation caused by solid waste. Ultimate objectives of this project are; To reduce…
The Second Anniversary Celebrations of Vikings Club As the first Social entrepreneurship club in Sri Lanka we proudly celebrated our second anniversary on the 23rd of November 2019 with the collaboration of Vikings and lecturers under the theme of “Create a World where the Environment doesn’t need protection”. At the official anniversary celebrations, lecturers of the university,…
The Vikings club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura along with the Vikings club of University of Colombo carried out the campaign ” Say No to tobacco” in accordance to acclaim the anti tobacco day which was held on 31st May 2020.Few experts from different fields together with the public joined their hands with us to…
Neosmart is a platform to provide continuous mutual assistance to those interested in starting their own business. It was privileged to all members who started their own business to sell their product and services and meet current customers and attendees face-to-face. It enhances their presentation skills to grab the opportunities and the competitive advantages. Neosmart provide massive advantages to…
We, the members of Vikings club organized our annual trip of 2020 to Wangedigala. Wangedigala is a popular hiking spot situated in a village named Kalupahana. On January 25th,2020 at 4.00am we started our journey to Wangedigala with a total of 50 members. The hike to Wangedigala took us through pine forests, grasslands and waterfalls…