Say “NO” to tobacco movement 20′
The Vikings club of University of Sri Jayewardenepura along with the Vikings club of University of Colombo carried out the campaign ” Say No to tobacco” in accordance to acclaim the anti tobacco day which was held on 31st May 2020.Few experts from different fields together with the public joined their hands with us to raise awareness on the noxious effects of the use of tobacco.
We were able to get an extensive knowledge about different fields from experts and share it with the public through videos shared on social media.
The resource people who joined with us to make this project a success are,
Dr. Parakrama Amarathunga – BAMS, LLB, MBM, Attorney – at – Law, Government Medical Officer, Department of Ayurveda
Ms. Shehani Wijerathne- lecturer at USJ , Attorney at law
Mr. Roshan Ranawana – Senior Actor
Mr. Dananjaya Siriwardana -Senior Actor
Mrs. Lakshika Fonseka – Senior Actress
We also conducted an awareness program by sharing the creative Articles, Quotes, Arts related to Tobacco from the public for two weeks.