Spark 21'
Spark Phase 2021 is the one of the largest entrepreneurship programs at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
This program was a great opportunity to all people for implementing their business ideas and providing necessary advice in this regard. Although we were unable to hold the program physically at the university due to the covid-19 pandemic, it was more successfully streamed online on the Business Advisor youtube channel from 7.00 pm on 13th of june.
Nearly 1200+ live viewings and 3500 viewings to date, have been achieved for the forum’s content, enabling Spark’20 to share its content with the community beyond the university.
The 2nd phase of the “Spark” Workshop Series 2020 was organized aiming those who are interested in the field of Entrepreneurship mainly including undergraduates, where key note speakers from different industries are invited to lead the discussion through sharing their experiences and knowledge while answering selected questions of potential entrepreneurs.
The panel of speakers of forum were as follows,
1. Mr. Dhanika Perera – Founder of Bhasha Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
2. Ms. Otara Gunewardene – Founder of Odel & Embark
3. Prof. Rangika Halwatura – Department of Civil Engineering (University of Moratuwa)
4. Mr. Hasanka Paadukka – Founder od Zero Trash

Spark 20'
Spark Phase 03 is the one of the largest entrepreneurship programs at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
This program was a great opportunity to all people for implementing their business ideas and providing necessary advice in this regard. Although we were unable to hold the program physically at the university due to the covid-19 pandemic, it was more successfully streamed online on the Business Advisor youtube channel from 7.00 pm on 13th of june.
Nearly 1200+ live viewings and 3500 viewings to date, have been achieved for the forum’s content, enabling Spark’20 to share its content with the community beyond the university.
The 2nd phase of the “Spark” Workshop Series 2020 was organized aiming those who are interested in the field of Entrepreneurship mainly including undergraduates, where key note speakers from different industries are invited to lead the discussion through sharing their experiences and knowledge while answering selected questions of potential entrepreneurs.
The panel of speakers of forum were as follows,
1. Dr. Ravi Liyange, Co-founder, Chairman, CEO of Raigam
2. Mr. Thushara Kariyakarawana, Managing Director of YOGO Taxi
3. Mr. Ruwan Fernando, Chairman, Co-founder Mayleen Corporation, Kenya, Executive Director/CEO at Sierra Cables EA
4. Mr. Sarath Abeyrathna, Commissioner of Inland Revenue

Spark 19'
When we say spark in Vikings family, we all know it is for us to get out of the rock bottom and to hit the stars. Spark episode 02 was this year support from Vikings for the undergraduates who are into entrepreneurship. Vikings episode 01 was a total success which leads to episode 02 to be even more challenging. it was conducted by successful young entrepreneurs who are undergraduates from different disciples. More than 80 participants were there for the spark series which went throughout the July month till mid of August. Every Thursday there was a session focusing on hot topics of young undergraduates who are willing to get up with their own feet. Vikings did not forget what we are there for, as a matter of fact, we had included a session done by Mr Dulaj Udayanga which was about “social entrepreneurship and real happiness”. Guest speakers had organized their speeches in a way that participants were felt in love with entrepreneurship for the rest of their lives. One of the guest speakers said, ” it is not about money always but the satisfaction you get”. it ended with real success. Vikings family felt really happy at the end since they were able to deliver what they expected. Certificates signed by Vice-chancellor of Sri Jayewardenepura University were precious as they were given to the active participants. Spark Episode 03 will come soon as we saw the potential behind the Spark series to change the world with better people.

Spark 18'
One of the main events in Vikings club is Spark. Spark series comes into effect from the guidance by first Viking in the club Mr. Dulaj Udayanga. on 6th of December 2018 episode 01 of spark series happened with a emerging success. Some who presented in the first episode started the businesses right away, while others who already in the business got the support from Viking club. Spark series began with episode 01 which will be continued in 2019. Special thanks to Mr. Dulaj Udayanga who initiated this pitching series.