Welcome to USJ’s Innovation, Invention, and Venture Creation Council (IIVCC).The IIVCC of USJ would like to join hands with Industries and entrepreneurs seeking to develop pragmatic solutions for global issues and share a common interest in developing an innovation and invention-centric national economy. Together, USJ and partners can create new knowledge, bring innovative ideas to life, and shape a new generation of leaders.
While providing a stimulating and supportive environment for invention and innovation within the University, we the IIVCC also offer guidance, mentorship, and resources tailored for collaborative projects among students, faculty, alumni, industry, and entrepreneurs.
Welcome to IIVCC! Students of USJ are warming invited to take a tour within this section to know the support you can receive for your innovative idea or proposal. With the support of the IIVCC, a new programme has been launched as IICE in the year 2019 to strengthen the capacity of researchers at USJ to enhance inventions and innovation in science and technology. The IICE-2019 was a successful event which opened up avenues for many research-industry collaborations.
The IICE Grant calls for proposals from prospective candidates (individuals/groups) and the application period opens up annually under nine different categories. Once the applications for IICE grants are advertised on the IIVCC webpage, you may take a look at the preliminary requirements, eligibility criteria, and start applying to secure a grant.Usually, the IIVCC opens up the competitive Invention and Innovation Competition Exhibition (IICE) Grant scheme only once a year. However, based on the importance of the proposal and justifications provided, IIVCC was also involved in securing grants for you from USJ.
As students, it is compulsory to understand the value of Research Integrity. It is a must have in IICCE Grant scheme as it is essential that we uphold the highest ethical standards in our scientific research. Science and Technology is built upon the solid foundations of knowledge gained through objective experimentation and hypothesis. Therefore, intensive progress updates are compulsory for all secured IICE Grants as well as previously completed IICE grants.
USJ has a strong research background and has many world-renowned researchers with us. Through research, we solve large and daunting problems in health, economy, environment, information technology, energy, and other fields. University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell, a subdivision of the IIVCC, helps to commercialize the research, and protect and manage intellectual property.
The University of Sri Jayewardenepura pursues its vision of “Prosper lives through education” in part by generating new knowledge to address wider economic and social interest in collaboration with public and private sectors. Inventions and innovations with significant public benefit may result in as natural outgrowths of research and development efforts. It is important to establish an University policy that defines, protects, and gives recognition to the rights and obligations of the University and its stakeholders and thereby facilitates dissemination and commercialization of new knowledge to the general public through Venture Creations and University Business Linkages (UBLs). The Strategic Plan (2017-2021) of the University has identified a number of key strategies on innovation and creative works through its strategic goals. The purpose of this policy is to establish a friendly environment for knowledge creators to encourage, safeguard/protect, and commercialize their creation in the interest of national benefit. Specific objectives of the policy are; encourage and facilitate the generation of new knowledge, provide local and international platforms with effective collaborations. provide facilities for safeguarding statutory rights and recognition. facilitate transferring and commercialization process of creative outcomes. establish guiding principles for determining rights and obligations in IP and commercial aspects of the University and stakeholders. Scope This policy applies to the University community and other stakeholders in creating new knowledge and commercialization process. The Policy Statement University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be committed to facilitating for promotion, protection, and commercialization of new knowledge through public-private collaborations in the interest of the development of the country. DefinitionsStatutory rights The existing law relating to the Intellectual Property in the country University community Academic, Non-academic staff including any employment in any means by the university and student/s in any capacity of the University.
Are you willing to work together with the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to collaboratively develop the solutions for your industry? Development of Existing Technologies Development of New Technologies.
The IIVCC will guide you through the initial bridging process between the university and you. Step-by-step instructions in formulating a collaborative proposal or a research agreement could be also found here. To ease the process of getting the necessary approvals, we have provided the details of the relevant authorities below. The necessary templates and costs associated with filing for local and international patents are also listed here.
The Department of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura is uniquely positioned to provide courses and research on a broad range of topics along entrepreneurship. Further, understanding the fundamental importance of the fact that the University should be a catalyst for innovation rather than a system which encourages traditional learning mechanisms, the Department of Entrepreneurship established the esteemed unit called Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEFENI). CEFENI provides a platform for the development of an entrepreneurial culture through promoting entrepreneurship and innovation within the nation. This center will provide sound exposure to budding entrepreneurs from the inception through to the fulfillment of their ultimate dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. With guidance and directions from the expertise, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation facilitates following services:
Since its inception, we have funded and supported many projects and cultivated the notion of innovation- and invention-lead ecosystem in USJ. The new technologies and solutions that were developed as a result of our efforts have a profound effect on society. Through dedicated channels, we bring these solutions to the marketplace in the form of new products or startups.